Wood ducks nest in woodland areas along lakes, rivers, and
vegetated wetland areas. During the winter months, wood
ducks inhabit bottomland hardwood wetlands, beaver ponds
and flowages, river oxbows, meanders and backwaters, and
other inland freshwater forested wetland areas. Habitat areas
chosen by wood ducks are commonly used by other waterfowl
species such as black ducks, hooded mergansers, and
ring-necked ducks. High-quality wood duck habitat is intricately
linked to preservation and management of old growth timber
along river corridors and availability of nesting sites. Although
wood duck populations have recovered, the largest threat to
their future is the continued loss of habitat. By protecting and
restoring floodplain timber, river oxbows and meanders, and
other freshwater wetland and riparian habitats, landowners
can assist in the continued success of wood ducks and other
migratory waterfowl species that rely on similar habitats.
USDA/NRCS Wood Duck Management Site
Nest & Egg Descriptions for Wood Duck Box Chicks
Wood Duck Box Monitoring Form
2006 Wood duck Box Monitoring Photos!
Wood Duck Habitat Enhancement