Canoga Creek Conservancy
Excerpt from: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Division of Fish, Wildlife and Marine Resources
Bureau of Fisheries

Annual Report Highlights and Accomplishments 2003/2004
December 2004

Canoga Creek Electrofishing Survey
Canoga Creek, a relatively small tributary in the northwest corner of Cayuga Lake, was surveyed
in late July to determine if trout were present and/or if water quality and habitat was conducive
trout survival.  This stream was stocked with brook trout from the 1950's - 70's with good success
(i.e. excellent growthand use) however stocking was discontinued in 1974 as a result of extensive
posting of waters. The lower portion of the creek flows through a DEC Wildlife
Management Area (WMA) and is currently accessible to the public, though stream access is
difficult because of extensive riparian vegetation. Renewed interest from a local Trout Unlimited
Chapter prompted the survey. Two sites were surveyed, with no trout collected. Habitat in the
upstream site, located on private property, was generally poor with little shelter and few pools,
however water temperature at 55 F was very favorable for- trout survival. The downstream
site, located within the Canoga Marsh WMA, had numerous pools and undercut banks,
substantial amounts of woody debris, and a water temperature of 61 F. However, this section had
abundant populations of brown bullheads and sunfish, along with a few largemouth bass and
yellow perch and is probably influenced by being approximately one mile from Cayuga Lake.

Results of this survey suggest that trout stocking could still provide successful fishing
opportunities as it did from the 1950's - 1970's. The area upstream of the WMA is still privately
owned, however the local TU group is in the process of approaching landowners to determine
willingness to allow fishing permitted signs on their property. Based on this survey and if
landowner permission can be acquired, TU is considering applying for a stocking permit to stock
brown trout. If stocking is successful and public fishing is allowed, DEC will submit a
request to renew a stocking policy for brown trout in Canoga Creek.
Canoga Creek Farm and Conservancy
3208 Rt. 89 Seneca Falls, NY 13148
(315) 568-9710